
Marker labels: * = first author

ApSense: Data-driven Algorithm in PPG-based Sleep Apnea Sensing

T. Choksatchawathi*, G. Sawadwuthikul*, P. Thuwajit, T. Keawlee, T. Mateepithaktham, S. Saisaard, T. Sudhawiyangkul, B. Chaitusaney, W. Saengmolee, T. Wilaiprasitporn

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

An Extended System for External Sensors Data Acquisition and Validation During Conducting Polysomnography

T. Choksatchawathi*, T. Kaewlee, G. Sawadwuthikul, B. Chaitusaney, N. Jaimchariyatam, T. Wilaiprasitporn, and T. Sudhawiyangkul

2023 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP)

Dyadic boundary points based empirical wavelet transform for the elimination of eye movement and eye blink-based ocular artifacts from EEG signals

S. Dash*, P. Gajbhiye, P. Sawangjai, G. Sawadwuthikul, T. Sudhawiyangkul, R. K. Tripathy, R. B. Pachori

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control

RRWaveNet: A Compact End-to-End Multi-Scale Residual CNN for Robust PPG Respiratory Rate Estimation

P. Osathitporn*, G. Sawadwuthikul*, P. Thuwajit, K. Ueafuea, T. Mateepithaktham, N. Kunaseth, T. Choksatchawathi, P. Punyabukkana, E. Mignot, T. Wilaiprasitporn

IEEE Internet of Things Journal

(impact factor = 10.238)

Visual Goal Human-Robot Communication Framework with Few-Shot Learning: a Case Study in Robot Waiter System

G. Sawadwuthikul*, T. Tothong, T. Lodkaew, P. Soisudarat, S. Nutanong, P. Manoonpong, N. Dilokthanakul

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

(acceptance rate < 20%, impact factor = 11.648)

Hydrogen Gas Production from Durian Shell and Sheep Dung

A. Tungwongkitsiri, G. Sawadwuthikul, S. Yoadsanit, T. Saewun, T. Temiyasathit, S. Anantachaisilp

The 2019 Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON 2019)